Presence 2018
Mary Ann B. Miller Editor's Statement 10
Fr. Andrew More
O'Connor on Ascension 12
Paul Mariani Recovery 14
Orlando Ricardo Menes I've Had a Great Fear 16
by José Kozer
Amparo the Nun
by José Kozer 16
Rhina P. Espaillat Sonnet 185: On the Death
of His Majesty King Philip IV
by Sor Juana Inés
de la Cruz 17
Prayer to the Lord
by Rafael Arévalo
Martínez 18
Ann Cefola From Treatise of the Robin
by Hélène Sanguinetti 19
Sharif S. Elmusa & As You Must, Brother
Gregory Orfalea by Ghassan Zaqtan 21
The Last Sight of Land
by Ghassan Zaqtan 22
John F. Deane Enclosed 23
Jerry Harp Annunciation as Mary
Standing before Botticelli's
Annunciation 25
Maria Lisella Just One Thing 26
Brian Volck The Feast of Saint James,
Nags Head,
North Carolina 28
James Matthew Wilson To Samuel Hazo 30
Kelli Russell Agodon Pyro of the Faithful 32
Joel Allegretti Tea with Genevieve 33
Jacqueline Bishop There Was a River In You: 35
Isak Bond Suburban Georgic 36
Elizabeth Michael
Boyle, OP Grand Passion 38
Kim Bridgford Bethlehem: Mary 39
Mark S. Burrows A Few of the Particulars 40
Andrew J. Calis Prayers for Shaped Nature 41
Paola Corso Step Climb 42
James Finn Cotter Before I Was Born 43
Barbara Crooker Trinity College, The Book of
Kells 46
Kate Daniels Dog Spelled Backwards 47
CX Dillhunt My Baltimore Catechism, No. 1 48
John Dinolfo NICU Prayer 49
John Drexel Found Among the Lost 50
Sharif S. Elmusa Where the Land Darkens 51
Rhina P. Espaillat The Bargain 52
Tyler Farrell Mystical Daydreaming at the
Autumn Faculty
Meeting 53
Tom Furlong Chicory in Drought Stays
Green 54
Maria Giura The First Time I Smoked 55
Marion Goldstein Afterglow 56
Rachael Graham Sight in the Spiral Galaxy
M100 57
Andrew Laurence Failing to Concentrate as I
Graney Try to Read, I Set the Book
on my Desk and Close
My Eyes 58
Mia Schilling Grogan Scapular for a City 59
Luke Hankins A Radiant Obstacle 60
Maryanne Hannan When Blooms Are Brief and
Friends, One Fewer 61
Nathaniel Lee Hansen Driving My Father-in-Law's
Pickup to His
Visitation 62
Jerry Harp Ergo 63
John Hart Ash Wednesday 64
Kathleen Hart From the Simple Sabotage
Field Manual 65
Phyllis Hemann Talking to God in the
Drive-Thru 66
Cynthia Hogue Psalm 67
Tina Kelley Pantoum Based On Mother
Theresa's Journal 68
Philip C. Kolin The Fugitive River 69
Cameron Alexander
Lawrence Benediction 70
Fr. Thomas Lequin Heart 71
Michael Angel Martín Confession 72
Jane McCafferty What Binds Me 73
Janet McCann Late to Mass 75
Fran McManus, RSM After-hours Prayer 76
Susan L. Miller The Work of Hands 78
Felicia Mitchell Bristlecone Pine, Colorado 79
Timothy Murphy God Does Not Play Dice 80
Madeleine Mysko Eastertide 81
Angela Alaimo O'Donnell Flannery's Laugh 82
Gregory Orfalea Mater Amata 83
Micheal O'Siadhail Conversation with Marc
Chagall 84
Kathleen O'Toole Vigil, Day Three 86
Christine Valters
Paintner God Among the Pots and Pans 87
Jeannine M. Pitas Rosary 88
Karl Plank Night-Fight: Jabbok Ford 89
Andrea Potos For the Person Who Says
I Hope You Had a Good Time
in Italy. 90
Susanna Rich Combing Through Hamlet 91
James Silas Rogers Advice for Walking the Dog
in Midwinter 93
Nicole Rollender How I Learned to Forgive
a Good Man 94
Margaret Rozga Amplifying Hope 96
Nicholas Samaras Leipsana 98
LeighAnna Schesser After the Fig Leaves, Eve
Cuts Her Hair 99
Janna Schledorn What Luis Taught Us
About Jesus 100
Anya Silver A Prayer in Two Thousand
Seventeen 102
Christopher Snook My First War 103
Glenn Stowell tourniquet 105
Maria Terrone At a Cathedral Vertical Tour 107
Sally Thomas Obscure Constellation in
February 108
Judith Valente A Place Called Trouble 110
David F. Vincenti Prayer at Midlife 112
Julia Walsh, FSPA 1:30 a.m. summons 113
Thora Wease She Said: "The Bible doesn't
have Answers for Modern
Problems." 114
William Woolfitt Grassy Branch Pentecostal
Church, Red Maples 115
Lawrence Wray Sacco to Ines 116
Michael P. Murphy Poetry, Place, and Prophecy:
An Interview with
John F. Deane 117
Susan L. Miller A Conversation with
Mary Szybist 127
Luke Hankins Scape
by Claire Bateman 136
Ann Ritter The 13th Sunday after
Pentecost by
Joseph Bathanti 137
Michael Hugh Lythgoe The Hamlet of Stittville
by Alan Berecka 141
Jill Baumgaertner The Paraclete Poetry
Anthology, edited by
Mark S. Burrows 143
Susan Spear Street View
by Maryann Corbett 146
Wendy Galgan Les Fauves
by Barbara Crooker 149
Sheila M.F. O'Connor Accompaniments
Ambrose by Mary Di Lucia 154
Susan Blackwell Ramsey The Kind of Brave Y ou
Wanted to Be
by Brian Doyle 156
Murray Bodo, OFM In The Beginning Was Love:
Contemplative Words of
Robert Lax, edited by
S. T. Georgiou 159
Susan L. Miller Spirit Under Construction
by Jerry Harp 162
Carol L. Park In the Margins
by Christine Higgins,
Ann Lolordo,
Madeleine Mysko,
and Kathleen O'Toole 165
Paul Mariani So Where Are We?
by Lawrence Joseph 168
Martha Silano Abloom & Awry
by Tina Kelley 171
Paul Sukys Benedict's Daughter
by Philip C. Kolin 174
Elizabeth Michael Boyle, To Be the Daylight
OP by Charlotte Mandel 177
Rosa Mirna Sánchez Heresies
by Orlando Ricardo
Menes 180
Rebecca Lauren The Ego and the Empiricist
by Derek Mong 183
David Craig The Short List of Certainties
by Lois Roma-Deeley 186
J. D. Schraffenberger Filthy Labors
by Lauren Marie
Schmidt 188
Lynn Domina The Academy of Hay
by Julia Shipley 191
Mary Di Lucia Second Bloom
by Anya Silver 194
Mia Schilling Grogan After So Many Fires
by Jeremiah Webster 198
Dana Gioia Brother Beat Meets
Mr. Everson 202
Lisa Ampleman Plain Unheralded Miracle:
A Look Back at Denise
Levertov's Poetry 208