Presence 2019

Presence 2019



Mary Ann B. Miller              Editor's Statement                      10

ARTIST'S STATEMENT                                                                

Rick Mullin                       on  Behind the Choir                     11 

FEATURED POET                                                                         

Daniel Tobin                         from This Broken Symmetry                                                         (Rue du Paradis)                         13

                                                (Font)                                          14

                                                (Riverside)                                  15

TRANSLATIONS & ADAPTATIONS                                           

Sharif S. Elmusa &               The Life of Photos

Gregory Orfalea                               by Ibrahim Qa'duni         16

                                                from Dark Images

                                                            by 'Abboud Sam'u          17

                                                A Door That Does Not Slap

                                                            by Wael al-Nassir           18

                                                Like a Bull Going Left & Right

                                                            by 'Abir Abd al-Wahid    18

                                                Life is Flight

                                                            by Lena 'Atfa                   19

Katie Farris &                      The Beginning of a Beautiful

Ilya Kaminsky                       Day (A Symphony)

                                                             by Daniil Kharms         22

                                                A Man Falls Asleep

                                                            by Daniil Kharms          23

                                                A Fairytale from the North

                                                            by Daniil Kharms         23

Andrew Frisardi                   Dante to Guido Cavalcanti      24

Garrett Hongo                      from the Shinkokinshū

                                                         by Saigyō, Jakuren,                                                             Shunzei, and

Fujiwara Toshinari no Musume 25

Garrett Hongo                      from Japanese American

                                                interment camps

                                                            by Muin Ozaki and

                                                            Sojin Takei                     27

Susan McLean                     Autumn

                                                            by Rainer Maria Rilke   29

                                              Saint Sebastian

                                                            by Rainer Maria Rilke   29

Pablo Medina                      Cardboard Dream

                                                            by Rafael Alcides           30


                                                            by Rafael Alcides           31

Christine Valters

Paintner                                You Are Here           

                                                            after Rilke                      32

Jeannine M. Pitas                 I'm alone in the night

                                                            by Selva Casal                33

                                                Like a shipwreck

                                                            by Selva Casal                34

Jon M. Sweeney                    Inhere

                                                            after Meister Eckhart    36

Wally Swist                           Of the Wedding at Cana

                                                            after Rilke                      37

                                                Consolation of Mary with

                                                the Resurrected Christ

                                                            after Rilke                      38 

IN MEMORIAM                                                                              

Maryann Corbett                  Funeral Road Trip                    39

Rick Mullin                           Third Sancerre for

                                                            Timothy Murphy          40

Gail White                             For Timothy Murphy                41

James Matthew Wilson       At Middle Age                            42

Marjorie Maddox                 Photo with Bald Heads             43

Susan L. Miller                     Et In Arcadia Ego                       45

Julie L. Moore                       Hummingbird                           47




Joseph Bathanti                   CiCi's                                            48

Jill Peláez Baumgaertner   Magdalene                                    49

Alan Berecka                       Note to my Future Self,              51

Tim Bete, OCDS                 Lost Things                                  53

Kathleen Bradley                The Catholics                                54

Pat Brisson                          Response to Today's Gospel      55

Debra Bruce                        Sister Edward's Lunchroom

                                                            Blessing                          57

Mary Buchinger                  A Broken Sonnet for the

                                              Sparrow Trapped in the

                                              Interfaith Center on the 3rd

                                              Floor of the McCormick Building

                                              at UMass Boston Overlooking

                                                          the Harbor                        58

Roxana L. Cazan                 This Is How To Paint Icons

                                              At Agapia Monastery, Neamţ

                                                            County, Romania           59

Yuan Changming                Light vs. Shadow: A Recursive

                                                            Poem                               61

Erica Charis-Molling          Lena Waithe speaks to her

                                                            cape of many colors      62

Richard Cole                        Manifest Destiny                        63

Barbara Crooker                  Petite Marie                                64

Joanna Currey                      Sunday, Gratuitous                    65

Jim Daniels                           Gospel                                         66

P. S. Dean                              Lent                                             67

Jessica G. de Koninck          Crazy Eights                                68

Lynn Domina                      A Failure of Imagination            70

Sharif S. Elmusa                  Companions, Or Clouds            71

Stephen Gibson                  On the Everyday Blindness

                                                            of Mortality                   73

Dominic Gideon                  The Savior in Starbucks            74

Maria Mazziotti Gillan       Apparitions                                 75

Ed Granger                           Nickel Mines, PA                       76

Maryanne Hannan             Beleaguered Church Hears

                                                            the Call for Apology     77

Jerry Harp                            Book of Hours 3 and 6               78

Lois Marie Harrod             Three Sisters                                79

Anne M. Higgins, DC        The End of Daylight Savings

                                                            Time                              80

Fr. Thomas Holahan          The Cabin with a View of

                                                            the Mountains              81

Siham Karami                       Angels                                         82

Elaine Kehoe                        Moon Illusion                             83

George Klawitter, CSC       Hand in Hand                             84

Dean Kostos                        The Coat That Wore a Man      85

Leonard Kress                     The Relic                                     86

Michelle Maher                   Caravaggio's The Death of

                                                            the Virgin                      87

Paul Mariani                         What the Waves Kept

                                                            Telling Me                    88

D. S. Martin                           How To Listen For God          89

Michael Angel Martín          Adoration Chapel Near Me     90

Pablo Medina                        Canticle of the Deer                 91

Orlando Ricardo Menes      Ode                                             92

Philip Metres                        Zoo Windows                            93

Rhonda Miska, OP               La Guadalupana                        94

Robin Amelia Morris           If you cannot pray as yourself  95

Susan Signe Morrison         The Third Plague                       96

Elisabeth Murawski             Psalm                                          97

Stella Nesanovich                 Dwelling Among Tombs          98

Matthew C. Nickel               Harvesting Potatoes Under

                                                            Solar Eclipse 2017         99

Gregory Orfalea                  California Rain                         100

Barry Peters                         Surveillance                               101

Daye Phillippo                    Thunderhead                              102

Mia Pohlman                       A Man Who is a Stranger

                                                            Comes to Visit              103

Christopher Poore             Léon Morin, Priest                    105

Dennis Rhodes                   Our Housemate                         106

Michael D. Riley                 Halo                                             107

Margaret Rozga                  Full of Grace                              108

Lisa Toth Salinas               To the New Girl at the

                                                            Women's Shelter         109

Nicholas Samaras              Afterlife                                      111

Janna Schledorn                Daniel the Prophet  Talks

                                                            to a Psychologist          112

Martha Silano                    The hands of all my mistakes   113

Rita A. Simmonds             You Can't Take the Dead         114

Richard Spilman                Finding God                               115

Sofia M. Starnes                Dizain 11: Miracle                     116

Sheryl St. Germain           Prayer for One in Recovery          117

Sophia Stid                        Notes on the Burghers of

                                            Calais: Stanford Memorial

                                                            Church                           119

Carole Stone                     Looking for a Cure                    120

Jacob Stratman                 watching Mark Twain's Is He

                                                            Dead? with my son       121

Maxine Susman                Yom Kippur in the Mountains  122

Maria Terrone                   A Theft                                        123

Brian Volck                        Emmaus                                      124

Mark C. Watney                Church Going Under a

                                                            Jacaranda Tree             125

R. Bratten Weiss               Sunday Worship                        126

Paul Willis                         McKinley Springs                      127

Aliesa Zoecklein               Bible Scholar's Lecture            128





Jerry Harp                            Tinkering, Texts, and Divine

                                                Excess: An Interview with

                                                            Kimberly Johnson        129

Mark S. Burrows                  "Hungering for the Emptied

                                                God": An Interview with Daniel

                                                Tobin on a New Collection

                                                Exploring the Person and Work

                                                            of Simone Weil            137



BOOK REVIEWS                                                                            

Lynn Domina                       We Became Summer

                                                            by Amy Barone              147

Cydnee Devereaux               The Virginia State Colony for

                                                Epileptics and Feebleminded

                                                            Molly McCully Brown  150

Paul Mariani                         The Chance of Home

                                                            by Mark S. Burrows      152

Margaret Rozga                    Night Unto Night

                                                            by Martha Collins          155

Jake Oresick                         Street Calligraphy

                                                            by Jim Daniels               157

Michael P. Murphy               Dear Pilgrims

                                                            by John F. Deane           160

Ned Balbo                              Single Bound: Krypton

                                                Nights / Amazon Days

                                                            by Bryan D. Dietrich  166

CX Dillhunt                           Stichomythia

                                                            by Tyler Farrell             170

Mary Ladany                         The Lake Michigan Mermaid

                                                            by Linda Nemec Foster

                                                            & Anne-Marie Oomen   175

Ned Balbo                              The Best American Poetry 2018

                                                            ed. by Dana Gioia         177

Luke William                         Magdalene

                                                            by Marie Howe             181

Angela Alaimo O'Donnell    Tropic of Squalor

                                                            by Mary Karr                 183

Susanne Paola Antonetta    The Night's Magician: Poems

                                                about the Moon

                                                            ed. by Philip C. Kolin

                                                            & Sue Brannan Walker 188

Juditha Dowd                       Cures for Hysteria

                                                            by MaryAnn L. Miller  190

Shanna Powlus Wheeler     Full Worm Moon

                                                            by Julie L. Moore         193

Jeremiah Webster                The Five Quintets

                                                            by Micheal O'Siadhail  196

Michael Angel Martín          Before the Burning Bush

                                                            by Brian G. Phipps       198

Tyler Farrell                         A Stone to Carry Home

                                                            by Andrea Potos          200

Mia Schilling Grogan           What Will Soon Take Place

                                                            by Tania Runyan         203

Kim Bridgford                      Beyond All Bearing

                                                            Susan Delaney Spear   206

Maryanne Hannan               The Consequence of Moonlight

                                                            by Sofia Starnes          209

Jim Daniels                           Gloved Against Blood

                                                            by Cindy Veach           212

Mike Aquilina                       The Stranger World

                                                            by Ryan Wilson          216


LIFE'S WORK                                                                                 


Joshua Hren                          "Faith's Ardor in [an] Air-

                                                Conditioned Tomb": Dana

                                                Gioia's Sights of the Unseen

                                                            in a Secular Age           219

Susan L. Miller                     Extraordinary Spirit: The

                                                Poems of Anya Krugovoy

                                                            Silver                             228

Kathleen Marks                    The Charlotte Poems of

                                                Richard Wilbur and the

                                                            Shape of a Marriage    239


POETS’ BIOGRAPHIES                                                         248