Presence 2021
Mary Ann B. Miller Editor's Statement 10
Reginald Baylor on They Won the Land 11
Luke And Here I Stand on Fire 12
(Joseph A. Brown, S.J.) Mending the Nets 15
The Restoration: A Poem for
Vows 17
Ashaq Hussain Parray Today’s Talk
by Rehman Rahi 19
Those Childhood Toys
by Shahnaz Rasheed 23
by Shahnaz Rasheed 25
Barbara Crooker A Villanelle for Kim 26
Dante Di Stefano Poem Beginning as an Elegy
for Eavan Boland and
Ending as a Meditation
on the Afterlife 27
Linda Nemec Foster on Lisel Mueller 28
Mary Ladany Anticipation: for Rita Wolpert 31
Kelli Russell Agodon So God 32
Sarah Allen Eve Goes to Timpanogos Cave 33
Lisa Ampleman Barren Trinkets 34
Matthew J. Andrews Sinner 35
Devon Balwit The problem with conversion 36
Charles Baudelaire Correspondences
trans. Ryan Wilson 37
Lisa Breger After the Nor’easter 38
Ronda Piszk Broatch You Asked Me to Write a
Poem About Hope 39
Mary Buchinger The engines keep playing here 40
Justin Carisio The Surf Fishermen at
Cape May Point 41
Katy Carl Em(blazon)ment 42
Sean M. Conrey Search Party 43
Robert Cording God Talk 44
Sarah Cortez Midwife at Work 46
Zach Czaia If You Would Understand
What Happened on the
Road to Damascus 47
Cortney Davis Swimming the Sea of
Dead Souls 49
John F. Deane The Kiss 50
CX Dillhunt In-flight Exegesis 52
Lynn Domina McCarty’s Cove 53
Christina Ellsberg Judgment Day for London’s
Surgical Artefacts 54
CJ Giroux Shelter in Place: 5th Sunday
of Lent 55
George Guida Dio, Mi Guida 57
Maryanne Hannan Twelve Ways of Looking at
Today 58
Marc Harshman The Farmer at Night 59
Matthew E. Henry red rover, red rover . . . 60
Lou Ella Hickman, IWBS the woman caught in adultery 61
John Hodgen What It Is 62
Juan Ramón Jiménez Fruit of my Flower
trans. Wally Swist 63
Kirsten Kinnell The Heart of Jesus 64
Leonard Kress The Second Part of the Night 65
Kristina Kryukova Beauty
trans. Sergey Gerasimov 66
Gerry LaFemina Thoughts on a Sunday
Afternoon in Autumn 67
K.T. Landon Literature of the Ancient World 69
Sheree La Puma The Girl’s Name is Elizabeth 70
Sue Fagalde Lick Dashboard Jesus 71
James Littwin Tangles 72
V. P. Loggins Nothing 74
Jimmy Long When I Loved Donuts 75
Dan MacIsaac Flight 76
Annita Costa Malufe from When I’m Not Around
trans. Janet Hendrickson 78
John Martone Pyx 79
Jane McCafferty And Then 80
Megan McDermott Noah’s Ark Twisty Puzzles—
$11.27 81
Julio Martínez Mesanza Sunday Without End
trans. Don Bogen 82
Gabriela Mistral Nocturne
trans. Laura Chalar 83
Theresa Monteiro Prayer for a Life Longer
Than a Sonnet 85
J. P. Murphy For Your Lost Shoes 86
Ann Neelon Smoker’s Beatitudes 87
Colin Pope Prayer After Getting
Accidentally Splashed with
Holy Water by a Protestor
Outside the Planned Parenthood
Which Happens to Be in the
Same Office Suite as
My Therapist 89
Rainer Maria Rilke Strophes
trans. Susan McLean 91
Rainer Maria Rilke [You are the poor one,
without resource]
trans. James Owens 92
Lisa Toth Salinas Aftermath 94
Nicholas Samaras God, the Father and the
Kidnapped Child 95
Julia Samorodova Winter Birds
trans. Sergey Gerasimov 97
J. D. Schraffenberger Spiritual Unction 98
Martha Silano Soul Reckoning 99
Katherine Smith The Reader 100
Maria Terrone Consider Her Green Dress 101
David Thoreen The Dugout 102
Daniel Tobin Fault 104
Cindy Veach Coming Out the Other Side
of Winter 106
Shanna Powlus Wheeler Crown 107
James Matthew Wilson O, Tamar 108
Jessica Schnepp Sacraments and Social Justice:
an Interview with Poet, Scholar
and Editor Philip C. Kolin 109
Mary Szybist What Art Does: an
Interview with Poet
Father Joseph Brown 117
Madeleine Mysko Walking the Sunken Boards
by Linda Blaskey, Gail Braune
Comorat, Wendy Elizabeth
Ingersoll and Jane C. Miller 128
Carol Park In the Willing Dirt
by Jade Bradbury 130
Ned Balbo In Code
by Maryann Corbett 133
Kevin Brown Without My Asking
by Robert Cording 136
Jeannine M. Pitas Grotesque Tenderness
by Daniel Cowper 139
Sheryl St. Germain In the Months of My Son’s
by Kate Daniels 142
Michael P. Murphy Like the Dewfall
by John F. Deane 145
Marion Goldstein Audubon’s Sparrow
by Juditha Dowd 148
Robert Cording Love like a Conflagration
by Jane Greer 151
Daniel Tobin Radiant Obstacles
by Luke Hankins 153
Donna Dzurilla Rocking Like It’s All
by Maryanne Hannan 156
William Coleman Long After Lauds
by Jeanine Hathaway 159
Janet McCann What the Gratitude List
Said to the Bucket List
by Gloria Heffernan 161
Isak Bond The Lord of Everywhere
by John Hodgen 164
Ryan Wilson Ordinary Time
by Paul Mariani 166
Maryann Corbett Sacred Braille
by Annabelle Moseley 169
Jessica Hooten Wilson Andalusian Hours
by Angela Alaimo O’Donnell 172
Wendy Galgan This Far
by Kathleen O’Toole 175
Mia Schilling Grogan Things Seen and Unseen
by Jeannine Marie Pitas 178
Janna Schledorn Struck Dumb with Singing
by LeighAnna Schesser 181
Julie L. Moore I Call to You from Time
by Judith Sornberger 184
Carole Stone My Mother’s Medicine
by Maxine Susman 187
Laura Hogan The Bees of the Invisible
by Wally Swist 189
Alan Berecka The Angled Road: Collected
Poems 1970-2020
by Jonas Zdanys 192
Janine Molinaro Bayer “Perfect as a Telegram to God”:
The Poetry of Samuel Hazo 195
Owen Lewis On A. E. Stallings’s “Amateur
Iconography: Resurrection The
Harrowing of Hell” and Part IV
of Hapax—An Interpretation 205