Presence 2025
Nick Patten on The Old Whaling Church 10
interviewed by
Susan L. Miller
Kate Daniels A Note on the Poems 13
In the Rooms: Gertrude 15
Elegy, Many Years Late 17
Marital Gestures and their Fallout 26
Resurrections 27
Serenity 28
Gregory Orfalea Reaching for Empathy: Voices
Jeannine M. Pitas from the Israeli-Palestinian
Mary Ann B. Miller Conflict 31
Diti Ronen Then There Was a War 33
trans. by Joanna Chen
Hind Joudah No Time for Poetry 33
trans. by Sharif S. Elmusa
Rita Kogan In the Park 35
trans. by Zackary Sholem Berger
Diti Ronen Headstone 36
trans. by Joanna Chen
Pablo Medina Witness 36
Sarai Shavit Instinct 37
trans. by Joanna Chen
Mahmoud al-Rimawi Sweat Beads on Women’s Foreheads 38
trans. by Sharif S. Elmusa
Naomi Shihab Nye No thirteen ways 40
Rita Kogan For Anat Inhar and Yehoshua Knaz 40
trans. by Zackary Sholem Berger
Sameer al-Zabin from Songs of Gypsies
Road 41
Hope 41
All That Remains 42
Weariness 42
Still Mine 42
trans. by Sharif S. Elmusa
Rita Kogan Sailing 43
trans. by Zackary Sholem Berger
Agi Mishol Cabin at the Forest Edge 43
trans. by Joanna Chen
Daniel Oppenheim Drop 44
Sharif S. Elmusa Mobile Mosque 45
Gregory Orfalea It Is Hard To Speak 46
Yonatan Berg Amen 47
trans. by Joanna Chen
Joseph Bathanti Coyotes 49
Helen Behe Tilting Earth 50
Aaron Brown Ghazal, Borrowed 51
Betsy K. Brown Contrapasso 52
Mark S. Burrows To Know Where You Are 53
Andrew Calis Patron 54
Marta Eloy Cichocka loop 13 55
trans. by Karen Kovacik
Julie Ann Cook Of Asimov and Eden 56
Robert Cording Tillich 57
Sarah Cortez O Good and Great God 58
Susan Cowger Tipping Points 59
Jim Daniels Faith Beside the River 60
Michael Dechane When You Must Change Your Life 61
Daniel Donaghy The Language after Loss 62
Jennifer Hyde Dracos-Tice After I semi-retire and move
to Florida, 64
Alfredo Espino The Oriole 65
trans. by Maya Venters
Lane Falcon At Ronald McDonald House 66
Tom Furlong At Poet’s House on West Eighteenth 67
Anne Gerard Small Book of Designs 68
Elizabeth Harlan-Ferlo Minefield 69
Jerry Harp Vespers 70
Ryan Harper St. Margaret, Bridgeport 71
Samuel Hazo The Moment 72
Last Rights 72
Vance P. Hedderel Duotone 73
Matthew E. Henry Job confronts Maggie Smith at a
conference 74
Mary Beth Hines Cold Storage Beach, December 75
John Hodgen Praise 76
Juan Ramón Jiménez The white moon removes the sea 77
trans. by Wally Swist
Richard Bailey Johnson Dove Hunting with Father 77
Julie Kane White Marigold 78
Richard Krohn Roberto, The Orphan 79
Justin Lacour Out in the world 80
Jean-Pierre Lemaire Equipment 81
trans. by Margaret Morrison
Maria Lisella Cleaning Out Mom’s House 81
V. P. Loggins Sunday Morning 82
Mia Ayumi Malhotra In the Chapel of St. Calixthus 84
Erica Mapp Fritillaries in a Copper Vase 85
Kathleen Markowitz As It Was Before 86
James Davis May Standing Before the Relic at the
Basilica of the Holy Blood
in Bruges 87
Janet McCann In a Bar 88
Susan L. Miller The Third of Week of Ordinary Time 89
Paul J. Pastor Whisper in Early Twilight or
A Protestant Prays to the
Mother of God 90
Brian G. Phipps In the Interim 91
Richard Pierce Budding Branch 92
Andrea Potos To Do, Morning 93
Eric Potter Against Metaphor 93
Jean-Luc Pouliquen We Must Let Childhood 95
trans. by Ann Cefola
Susanna Rich To Rescue Me, Brian, 96
Whitney Rio-Ross Self-Portrait As Alternate Endings 97
Margaret Rozga If You Were Here 98
Celerina Sánchez the first tu’un word 99
trans. by Lori DiPrete Brown
Monica Silva Neuroplasticity 100
Sarah Dickenson Snyder In Another Dimension 100
Judith Sornberger Outdoor Wedding 101
Marjorie Stelmach Crimes in the Open 102
Daniel Tobin The Snow Globe 104
Natalia Treviño Muy Milagrosa 105
Ryan P. Tunison Love Is Not— 106
Wendy Vardaman i want to tell them they were
always already 107
Mirjana Villeneuve Walking on the Frozen Swamp 108
Brian Volck Cairns 109
Leslie Williams L’appel du Vide 110
Eliot Khalil Wilson Connections 110
Marly Youmans Making and the Blackbird 111
Janice Zerfas The weather up there must
be changing 112
Philip C. Kolin Mark S. Burrows on Mysticism and
a Poetics of Faith 113
Marjorie Maddox “[W]hat we see, what we don’t see
and how we come to see”: an
Interview with Author
Laura Reece Hogan 124
Sheila O’Connor-Ambrose Mom in Space
by Lisa Ampleman 134
Mary B. Moore Wonders of the Invisible World
by Claire Bateman 136
Angela Alaimo O’Donnell Atlas Sighs: Selected and New Poems
by Alan Berecka 138
J. D. Graham City Nave
by Betsy K. Brown 140
Elizabeth Harlan-Ferlo Correspondence with My Greeks
by Scott Cairns 142
Jane Greer The O in the Air
by Maryann Corbett 145
Nancy Enright Hawk & Songbird
by Susan Cowger 147
Michael P. Murphy Selected and New Poems
by John F. Deane 151
Taylor Franson-Thiel Bone Country
by Linda Nemec Foster 153
Fr. Peter A. Heasley Tobit Detours
by Elisabeth Mehl Greene 155
Rosa Mirna Sánchez The Liquid Pour in which my
Heart has Run: Poems
by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
trans. by Rhina P. Espaillat 157
Jeffrey Essmann White Terror Black Trauma
by Philip C. Kolin 160
Melinda D. Papaccio All Shall Be Well: An Anthology
of New Poems for Julian of Norwich
edited by Sarah Law 163
Peggy R. Ellsberg Contemporary Catholic Poetry:
An Anthology edited by
April Lindner & Ryan Wilson 166
Michael Dechane Hereverent
by Katie Manning 168
Jana-Lee Germaine Sea of Broken Mirrors
by Pablo Medina 170
Peggy R. Ellsberg Dear Dante
by Angela Alaimo O’Donnell 172
Tara Propper Painting Over the Growth Chart
by Dan Rattelle 174
Janet McCann The Luster of Everything I’m
Already Forgetting
by Nicole Rollender 176
Linda Mills Woolsey Ponds
by J. C. Scharl 178
Richard Pierce The Mansions
by Daniel Tobin 180
Steven Knepper Matters for You Alone
by Leslie Williams 182
Andrew Lustig Saint Thomas and the Forbidden
Birds by James Matthew Wilson 185
Eric Cyr In Ghostlight
by Ryan Wilson 187
Lauren D. Woods Daniel Berrigan: Poet, Priest,
Protestor 190
Heidie Raine Senseman Brian Doyle (1956-2017) 199